Derek, KV4SH and myself were discussing shape files and other things that are useful for mapping with Xastir, the Linux based APRS program. To increase the level of visibility you can download additional files from the USGS and the Census Department, but it is a bit of tricky process, so here are some tips.
When you click on the link, you will get the web interface to select the features you wish to use. For example Choose 2018, Roads, Choose “Virginia” under All Roads, Choose “Prince William” and the download points at For convenience I have downloaded a number of these files and put them on the PWCARES site, but the most current ones are always the best. See the Web Links at the bottom of this article.
In the zip files, the .shp files are useful for Xastir, so for example, if you unzip
you will see something like:
[kg4giy@Jura Downloads]$ cd tl_2018_51153_roads
[kg4giy@Jura tl_2018_51153_roads]$ ls -la
total 12440
drwx------@ 9 kg4giy staff 288 Jan 30 2019 .
drwx------+ 138 kg4giy staff 4416 Aug 9 09:34 ..
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 kg4giy staff 5 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.cpg
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 kg4giy staff 1933227 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.dbf
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 kg4giy staff 165 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.prj
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 kg4giy staff 4186140 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.shp
-rwxrwx---@ 1 kg4giy staff 20411 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.shp.ea.iso.xml
-rwxrwx---@ 1 kg4giy staff 92672 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.shp.iso.xml
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 kg4giy staff 119980 Sep 5 2018 tl_2018_51153_roads.shx
You will then need to move the .shp file to /usr/share/xastir/maps/
for Xastir to be able to find them. Specifically:
- into
- into
- into
How to control display for zoom
In Map Chooser, select the parent directory, then click Properties
Hit the Select All button, then type (e.g.) 128 to the Max Zoom box, and click the button “Max Zoom->”. Now, the roads do not clutter when at 30k feet.